
Nakshatra - Institute of Jewellery Designing

Nakshatra - Institute of Jewellery Designing

Nakshatra - Institute of Jewellery Designing aims to impart a high level of education and training to its students, thereby enhancing the product quality of Indian Jewellery and expanding its reach in the domestic as well as international market


Nakshatra - Institute of Jewellery Designing aims to impart a high level of education and training to its students, thereby enhancing the product quality of Indian Jewellery and expanding its reach in the domestic as well as international markets.

Nakshatra's faculty comprises educationists, professional designers, technicians and also craftsmen who demonstrate the practical aspects. There is a well-equipped workshop where all practical projects come to life. Our students work in a modern state-of-the-art workshop fully equipped with the latest machines, tools & accessories.

Website: https://www.nakshatra.org/

Address: B-21, Sunaina residency

Ganesh Marg, Bapu Nagar

Jaipur- 302015 (Rajasthan) India

Phone: +91-141-6457423, +91-9828539576

E-mail: mail@nakshatra.org 

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